If you keep saying thing are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Do you go through life waiting for bad things to happen and always expection the worst?
And when something goes wrong, do you say "I was right! I knew it wouldn't work out for me"?
You've created a self-fulfilling prophecy? - you've predicted your failure and perhaps even helped it happen.
Try this instead: Predict that you'll succeed, then see what happens.
If you do succeed, you can still say "I was right!".
- I'll believe the best will happen.
국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.
Neverland Bus : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어
당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^
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