You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky
The world's best quarterbacks complete only 60 percent of their passes.
The greatest basketball stars make only 50 percent of their shots.
And most major league baseball players get on base just 25 percent of the time.
But that doesn't stop them from taking their shot or glory.
Is something stopping you?
- I'll take one risk.
국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.
Neverland Bus : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어
당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^
#WayneGretzky #5월15일 #인생프로젝트 #필사 #매일매일 #영어소원 #이수영 #매일영어 #영어명언 #영어습관 #작은성공 #성공습관 #한구절 #하루20분 #네버랜드 #May #transcribe #neverland #neverlandbus #WooGong #peterpan
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