When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.

George Fisher



What's your idea of perfection?

Getting the best grades?

Being the most popular?

Winning the most awards?

Excelling at everything you do?


Perfectionism is too much pressure to put on yourself.


The fact is, nobody's perfect, because perfection is impossible.

And if you try to do everything perfectly, you won't do anything well.


If you're a perfectionist, don't expect to change overnight.

As Colette Dowling says, "Becoming less perfect takes practice."




- I'll ease up on myself.







국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.



Neverland Bus : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어

당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^



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Seven days without laughter makes one weak.

Dr. Joel Goodman



You've heard of rock collections, stamp collections, baseball card collections, and more.


But have you ever heard of a humor collection?

If you started one, what kind of things would be in it?

Cartoon books, humor tapes, Marx Brothers Movies, clown noses, rubber chickens, whoopee cushions?


It would be great to have a humor collection.

Whenever you needed a good laugh, you'd know where to find one.



- I'll start a humor collection.







국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.



Neverland Bus : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어

당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^



#JoelGoodman #4월19일 #인생프로젝트 #필사 #매일매일 #영어소원 #이수영 #매일영어 #영어명언 #한구절 #하루20분 #영어습관 #작은성공 #성공습관 #네버랜드 #April #transcribe #neverland #neverlandbus #WooGong #peterpan



You are a child of universe ... you have a right to be here.




Do you know your basic rights as a human being?


Here are four important ones:

You have the right to make decisions about your life.

You have the right to say no to the demands of others.

You have the right to respond to people who criticize you or put you down.

You have the right to share your feelings.



- I'll exercise one (or more) of my basic rights.






국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.




Neverland Bus : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어

당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^



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