I take care of me. I am the only one I've got.
Groucho Marx
What have you done for yourself lately?
Authors Gershen Kaufman and Lev Raphael spell out six good things to do for yourself.
Here are three:
1. Choose something to do just for fun. Then do it whenever you can.
2. Give yourself a present everyday. (This doesn't have to cost money. Listen to a favorite CD or take a bubble bath.)
3. Forgive yourself for something you did in the past.
- I'll do one good thing for myself.
국내 어학 분야 대표 출판사 롱테일북스의 공식 홈페이지입니다.
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당신의 삶을 바꿔줄 상품이 가득한 곳 ^^
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